Monday, November 4, 2013


As I walk towards the mall, richly decorated with multi-coloured lights arranged in various patterns, I am greeted by a wave of crowd. A wave that seems never ending. I stand in a queue to be frisked and to have my bag pack examined. The guard greets me “Happy Diwali”. I am surprised, though I wish him back with a smile. All around me the stores are decorated with bright lights, most of them full with people. Sale advertisements scream out to me. “Buy! Buy! Buy!” they seem to say.

As I walk around, I have to be careful not to come in between an on-going “photo-shoot”. There is a large group gathered ahead – possibly an on-going “event”, one of those small events where you can get a gift or two if you sing or dance or do something else the organizers want you to do. Mobile and gadget stores are full of young people, trying the latest thing in the market. The food court is full of people sitting and eating – large groups of the entire family, smaller groups of couples or friends, and a lonely soul or two, lost in the crowd.

It is the same everywhere. College hostels are brightly lit but a few are staying back at the hostel, owing perhaps to lack of tickets to go back home. They walk the corridor, perhaps the only person on that particular floor. Friends and room-mates have left for home. One is surprised to find another person, quickly nodding to the other so as to avoid a conversation and moving on. Sitting in room, a small string of coloured bulbs brightening up the otherwise dim place, listening to songs on their mobile phones or sitting and putting “Happy Diwali” posts on Facebook or other social networking websites.

The streets have a crowd, heading nowhere. Cars full of families coming back from the temple in the early evening hours, heading back to their home, or perhaps heading back from a relatives’ place. Excited children anxiously wait for the moment when they can get a chance to show off their crackers and their clothes to their neighbours and friends. 

Through all this, there is another set of people - ignored. On the streets one can see young men on bikes going to make a home-delivery for pizza or something else. One can see the auto-drivers trying to find passengers that lie in the general direction that brings them closer to their home. Small or large “outlets” that are desperately trying to sell last minute set of crackers – at dramatically reduced price, hoping to pack up and head back home soon. The security guards standing outside malls and other shops, watching and waiting for the shop to close so that they can head back home. 

Sales assistants at stores waiting for the manager to call it a day; young men and women organizing those “events” at mall, laughing and enjoying with you while internally waiting for the fun and frolic to be over so that they can take a break, head back home, perhaps enjoy the night with their families. Daily wage workers and other staff, hoping to get the last minute festival bonus so that they can buy a box of sweets when heading back to their families. Young corporates at offices that work through and through, waiting for the moment they can call it a day and rush back home. Throughout the crowd, there is a general sense of urgency and restlessness.

On an overall note, the scales have changed. The times have changed. The moment festive season comes around, the shopping spree starts. However, of late the trends are electronics. New mobile phones and cameras. All online stores have huge sales on clothing and electronics. The trend has changed to “Swipe! Buy! Swipe”. More and more people buy themselves things they do not need just to come to terms with the trends.

The Diwali diya has changed from the traditional ghee diya to oil based to wax based diyas being sold in packs and designs. Liquor shops have a longer queue in front of them. The community get-together timings have reduced. The fireworks display has slowly evolved into a subtle competition on who gets the best “stuff” in the colony and who has the best fireworks display. Neighbours, while smiling to each other, gently try and out-do the other by buying a product which is “one-step higher” than their neighbour. Trends have also shifted from the traditional box of sweets to fancier stuff. More and more people opt for buying and sending gifts online, saving themselves the hassle of finding something in the crowded stores and then getting it to their loved one.

People living alone and who could not go back home, adapt a different strategy. Few coop up inside their room, spending time online or staring out of a window (or else walking on a semi-illuminated terrace), watching the fireworks with a stolid expression. Quite a few head out and stay at a mall, blending in the crowd to have “company”. For most, festival time is all about ordering better food and perhaps buying themselves something they don’t need. More and more number of youngsters prefer “watching” the display these days rather than participating in activity. Sweets have been replaced with boxes of chocolates, imported and packed exclusively for the occasion.

Festival lights have lost their meaning. The degree of decoration at homes and stores get better every year, yet the inner zeal is missing. Atheists peek out of their homes wondering if they can put decoration just for the heck of it or would they be called a hypocrite. Environmentalists go on and on about the pollution and noise levels. The festival, for more and more number every year, is losing its meaning.

It seems that the youth has developed a wall inside them. Especially the ones who stay away from family and company. A wall behind which they hide, telling themselves and others that they are strong and that “loneliness” does not touch them, yet taking out the feeling in more subtle ways which they do not realize. 

A major portion of us hide behind the e-wall. Festival is more about updating statuses and putting up edited photographs than sitting and having an actual conversation with someone. Love is shared through “tagged” photographs and gifts sent through electronic channels rather than an actual moment shared. As the years advance, we will keep walling ourselves in. It seems that over time it shall become a word for a large number – a word that would signify online (and otherwise) shopping, impersonal lights and decorations that mean nothing and an excuse to further detach ourselves from each other. Diwali has become Thee-Wall-In, an excuse to wall ourselves in, and also Thee-Wall-e, an excuse to hide behind the electronics.

Hope you had a good Thee-Wall-e too!

- Parekh, Pravesh
November 04, 2013; 02:20 AM

Thursday, May 31, 2012

On Her Anonymity...

Woke up this morning, with her thoughts in my mind. Had been dreaming about her. Memories from 14 years back. It wasn't a regular dream. All the while I was aware of the fact that I was dreaming but it wasn't like lucid dreaming. And the most weird aspect of it was that it made me recall a dream from 14-15 years back. And not just a dream...a dream about her again. Made me remember somethings which I had assumed I would have forgotten by now...

I had gone to sleep early, being bleary eyed and tired. And then her thoughts filled my mind for no apparent reason. We have not met in years and have not spoken to each other for as long as I can remember. But the dream was simple and even fun-filled. It was scheduled around 6 years back in time when both of us were in school (ironically, the same class). And we sat around casually talking about things that might happen, on uncertainties and of other matters including what would happen if I were to switch my school etc. Interestingly, I quoted a certain incident to her, something which had happened on a Saturday 9 years back: I had gone to give an entrance exam for a different school. 

In fact, I remember smiling to myself in my dream looking at the expression on her face and on the face of a friend of hers, thinking what it is like to be studying together for 12-14 years yet having nothing in common...hardly knowing each other.

Some 15 years back, we were good friends. We shared a common passion for an action cartoon series very popular in those days and passed the time between classes "playing" out self made stories about the series. I owned  a pencil box back then with characters from a different comic series printed on them (I have no idea why did I buy it because I have never watched that cartoon series ever...or maybe I never did buy it). That "box" was our portal to the typical landscape of such action based cartoons (or rather should I say cartoons which existed back in those days?). The thought about the pencil box made me think about a different pencil box which I would have never been able to recall in an awakened state.

And so we sat and talked. Curiously, the scene kept shifting between the stage in my school and a room back in my home (or rather the memory of what was once my home). We chatted with the pleasant familiarity of old friends who know each other well. There is no forced pleasantry and no unnecessary control exercised when talking. That reminded me (in my dream) of a dream I had 14-15 years back. It was regarding her again. She was never a part of it but it was about her.

The most ironical part of the dream was that both of us knew that we used to be great friends (when being a friend was simple) and that we had fought over a very trivial and stupid issue. Throughout the fact that we might have become good friends for "life" prevailed but was never a part of the direct chat. The dream later moved on to other things including the dead (or should I say the un-dead?) and other things (interestingly the major material of these were again from way back in time...12 years old?).

In retrospect, I realize that it could have been a dream about anyone. Not particularly her. Of course she was there in this one, but it might just easily have been anyone else too. The "shifting" scenes still made it more disconnected. In hindsight, I realize just how disconnected I have been with all almost all the people from my school days. Well of course nothing can be done now...

I woke up with my left eye creating the usual trouble. I stayed in the darkness for almost half an hour thinking about the entire dream. Why did I dream it? But of course there was no answer...but isn't that the most beautiful thing about dreams?

Maybe yes...maybe no...

~ Parekh, Pravesh
May 31, 2012; 5:30 AM

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Lochinvar is a poem by Sir Walter Scott. It is from his epic poem Marmion.

I first read this poem when I was in class 9th, that would be almost eight years back but the beauty and the gallantry of this poem is still fresh in my mind...and so I share it with you....

Oh! young Lochinvar is come out of the west,
Through all the wide Border his steed was the best;
And save his good broadsword he weapons had none.
He rode all unarmed and he rode all alone.
So faithful in love and so dauntless in war,
There never was knight like the young Lochinvar.

He stayed not for brake and he stopped not for stone,
He swam the Eske river where ford there was none,
But ere he alighted at Netherby gate
The bride had consented, the gallant came late:
For a laggard in love and a dastard in war
Was to wed the fair Ellen of brave Lochinvar.

So boldly he entered the Netherby Hall,
Among bridesmen, and kinsmen, and brothers, and all:
Then spoke the bride’s father, his hand on his sword,
For the poor craven bridegroom said never a word,
‘Oh! come ye in peace here, or come ye in war,
Or to dance at our bridal, young Lord Lochinvar?’

‘I long wooed your daughter, my suit you denied;
Love swells like the Solway, but ebbs like its tide
And now am I come, with this lost love of mine,
To lead but one measure, drink one cup of wine.
There are maidens in Scotland more lovely by far,
That would gladly be bride to the young Lochinvar.’

The bride kissed the goblet; the knight took it up,
He quaffed off the wine, and he threw down the cup,
She looked down to blush, and she looked up to sigh,
With a smile on her lips and a tear in her eye.
He took her soft hand ere her mother could bar,
‘Now tread we a measure!’ said young Lochinvar.

So stately his form, and so lovely her face,
That never a hall such a galliard did grace;
While her mother did fret, and her father did fume,
And the bridegroom stood dangling his bonnet and plume;
And the bride-maidens whispered ‘’Twere better by far
To have matched our fair cousin with young Lochinvar.’

One touch to her hand and one word in her ear,
When they reached the hall-door, and the charger stood near;
So light to the croupe the fair lady he swung,
So light to the saddle before her he sprung!
‘She is won! we are gone, over bank, bush, and scaur;
They’ll have fleet steeds that follow,’ quoth young Lochinvar.

There was mounting ’mong Graemes of the Netherby clan;
Fosters, Fenwicks, and Musgraves, they rode and they ran:
There was racing and chasing on Cannobie Lee,
But the lost bride of Netherby ne’er did they see.
So daring in love and so dauntless in war,
Have ye e’er heard of gallant like young Lochinvar?

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Quiz of the day!

Go to Gmail and set your theme as "Zoozimps "
You will see creatures with three strands of hair all over your Gmail page.
We will call them buggers. Now when you chat with someone, one of these buggers will be looking into your conversation...

Guess the colour of this bugger?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Word On Free Software...

Well there are a lot of free stuff available on the internet that allow you to work wonderfully well. So why go for more sophisticated stuff which come with a price? And the best thing is that they are available on the website of the company so that you do not need to go to some other download sites (which are blocked at many places and institutes...alas!) For example there is this wonderful software company that I have found: NCH. Well make a Google search and you will find it. The company specializes in making software related to audio and telephony but they have a host of other software as well. I found a few of their software especially useful. One is Switch. It allows you to convert audio files from one format to another and what's more is that it can convert video to audio as well....comes quite handful. Easy to start and no messy clicks. One simple click on the convert button and it will do the job for you. Another one is Wavepad. Its, as the name suggests, a wave editing tool and for those of you who are wondering what it basically makes the wave pattern of the audio file you want and then allows you to edit it...I found it to be especially useful in case when you want to mix files (say for example you got to make a mix of tracks for a dance performance). It has a wonderful tool for noise suppression. I used it to make a movie. It was simply superb. Give the software a small noise sample and it will edit the entire audio clip and suppress noise...a job made easier for you! Apart from this it also has some other useful tools. Their other software like VideoPad and Prism are also worth trying they being for video editing and video conversion respectively.

So long so good. But the best thing about NCH is that their software are really really compact. I mean the setup files are hardly a few hundred kilobytes (max to max would be close to 400KB I guess). Easy to download even in the worst speed. I mean one can easily download them even using a Dial Up Connection (I bet most of you would have even forgotten what it is by now).

NCH allows you to download these setup with just a click and no questions asked. Well a drawback that a user might face is that the software are trial versions that work only for 15 days. No worries! The best thing is that they are fully functional trial versions. So you can enjoy full functionality in the 15 days that you use it. And once the trial is over you can uninstall it and then reinstall it. No problems. Use it again for another 15 days! And you can keep doing it for years...I have been....for over 2 years now...hehe....

Bring Forth Ye Shadow

Theatre of Tragedy is taking over me! The lyrics are just so amazingly brilliant that I have been listening to them over and over again. This one is from a song "Bring Forth Ye Shadow". Sheer brilliance I would say...

Time is an abyss -
Profound as a thousand nights;
I sojourn my haste, I make respites
For what availeth this eager peace?
One step more naught to face,
Save the heirloom fatal kiss.
I rave no more 'gainst Time or Fate,
For lo! my own shall ne'er come to me,
Yet! - Who doth my future narrate?
Dim the lights - I cannot see!
Bring forth ye Shadow! -
With whom danceth thou?
Time hath stopp'd -
Yet for others ne'er halteth;
For me the Pages of Life do not turn,
Lo! - on the funeral pyre they burn.
The oh so eathing Velvet Darkness they fear -
Heed! - wherefore delve a burrow,
When in my arms "O! Come here"? -
I say, elsehither is naught but sorrow!
For what deemest thou so dear thy blood
When through my veins it could flood? -
Bide to merry-make me unaptly;
And hence grant me the fell gift,
The gift of passing on the dark trick.
'Tis such a brazen act of erotic;
Trifle for thee, yet for me grandly thrift,
O! such an innocence depriv'd so hastily -
Alas, for what deemest thou so dear thy blood
When through my veins it will flood?

My Dying Bride

Kneeling beside her bedside
Clasping her frail hand
The lights are turned low
Fleeting tears deck my brow.
Outside the world is merry
Moonlight is bright and sky starry
But O for the pain in my heart
My bride lies here bleeding fast.
Faint memories stir in my head
But her hollow face sends them away
Her once crimson lips are now cracked pale and yellow.
I kiss her soft hand
The yellowed skin that once glowed with inner joy and light
Consumed by fever and plight
Her soul cries for deliverance
The devil chuckles in delight.
Favored by Fate
Death waits with its everlasting embrace
I can do nothing else but wait
And see her tear streaked face.
Her eyes are bleak and desolate
Hope fades away as if in disgrace
Together we wait for a new day
But tomorrow she shall not wake.